"The ability that Beth possesses to ask questions that lead to breakthrough answers is uncanny. She has given my leadership team a stronger foundation from which to pursue professional—and even personal—goals. I am confident the framework she has given us will lead us on many exciting adventures as we continue to create lasting change. I can't imagine having the success we are having had we not had her as our team coach."

Tracey Gearlds, Director
UCSF Campus Life Services

"Beth's specific skills are top notch, but what she really gave us was herself. Her ability to hold so much complexity and make sense of it all helped us make sense of it, too. This project would not have achieved such success without her."

Stephanie Rowe, Former Executive Director
Security Evolution, U.S. Transportation Security Administration

"Beth's sharp acumen about people and systems, combined with her gentle but high-spirited nature, enables her to connect with individuals and groups at every level of the organization. She provides clients with a challenging, supportive place to create useful learning and lasting change. Her commitment to excellence inspires leaders and teams to achieve their highest potential and most ambitious goals."

Paul Sherman, Former VP of Learning and Development
Vertex Pharmaceuticals

"Beth is one of the most talented leaders and team coaches that I know. She is able to manage extremely large projects while, at the same time, attending to the individual needs of the participants. Beth knows how to bring out the very best in people and is an extraordinary champion as she helps them go beyond what they thought possible. Her business acumen helps to connect the dots between behavioral changes and the impact on the bottom line. I would recommend Beth's services to all clients who want to create powerful results."

Kathryn Kemp, Owner
Team Resource, Inc.

"Organizationally we're heading into some pretty tough times, tougher than we've had to face before. The fact that we have been able to define ourselves as a system, our roles in that system, and how we can best work together, is going to help bring us through these challenges in the next few years far better than if we had not embarked on this. We've put a lot of time into this and it's paying off. It keeps me hopeful and optimistic."

Tracey Gearlds, Director,
UCSF Campus Life Services

"I would not have had the courage to take on such challenges and succeed had I not had your guidance and absolute faith in my abilities and possibilities—had I not felt empowered to try something totally new. And the learning and growth didn't stop when the coaching sessions did!"

Jaana Myllyluoma, Owner

"It is a real joy to have you as team coaching supervisor. The tone in your voice, your expertise, your unwavering awareness of the learner mind, the rigor. I feel like I've had not just a nourishing multi-course meal, but fine cuisine, after our supervisions with you."

Obejoyful Lynd
CRR ORSC Team Coaching Supervisee

"We've actually been using our team tools in quite a number of situations OUTSIDE our team. When we interact with others in the organization and with clients, it's been great to have ways to move beyond conflict and confusion and move directly on to what we want to get done."

Joseph Errante, Vice President, Dental Blue
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

"Our planning process has matured significantly as a result of the coaching. We're clearer and more focused on what is important. We've been talking about alignment for many years, but now we're figuring out what it really means. We are saving a lot of time and energy in our strategic efforts—and being more successful."

Steve Leonoudakis, Strategy Leader, Campus Life Services
University of California at San Francisco

"We can speak more frankly together now, which means we can cut through a lot of potential confusion and find better solutions. We have more flexibility to deal with whatever is coming. It's like we've created a more flexible, responsive structure."

Darleen Yee, Business and Finance Manager,
UCSF Campus Life Services

"Since we began working with Beth, we are making more effective, efficient decisions. We look at the situation, consider the factors, decide and move forward. We're also being taken more seriously in the organization and we have more influence. We're able to get done what we know needs to be done rather than always reacting to what other people think needs to get done."

Steve Siskin, General Manager
Adventure Programs